How to host your website on Google Drive for Free. Through today's article I will tell you how to host your website on Google Drive absolutely free. You just have to follow some instructions that are given below:


1. Go to your Drive or CLICK HERE to go to the Drive

2. Create a folder or name it as your website (e.g. -

Must include - www

3. Now upload your files of site such as HTML Page, Photo, etc.

4. Now go to the DriveToWeb ( or CLICK HERE to go to the DriveToWeb.

5. Select option host using Google Drive.

6. Allow access to your drive.

7. Wait few minutes

8. Your site is ready and in the dashboard of you will get a link that is your website link.

To add custom domain watch this video & this video also contains the How to host your website on Google Drive Steps.

This Video was created on YouTube by TechChip.